sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Características externas e internas de los textos funcionales


En Taller de Lectura y Redacción I, vimos acerca de las características externas e internas, de manera general, que pueden presentar los diferentes textos que en el ámbito social, laboral, escolar y personal se utilizan.
Los textos funcionales se caracterizan por ser prácticos y útiles en el contexto escolar, personal, y laboral y social. Pueden presentar las siguientes características:
Forma/formato/organización textual. Se refiere a los aspectos visibles a simple Vista que tienen que ver con la apariencia o presentación del texto:
« Presentado en una prosa organizada, siguiendo un margen determinado, justificado o presentado en forma de tablas, esquemas.
« Utilización de sangrías
« Tipo y tamaño de letras
Estructura: Se refiere a los diferentes elementos que cada tipo de texto debe contener, y que varían según el contexto en el que vayan a ser presentados. Como es el caso de las cartas formales e informales. Veamos el ejemplo:
1.    Ubicación de lugar y fecha.
2.    El enunciatario.
3.    Puesto o cargo que ocupa el enunciatario.
4.    El vocativo
5.    E contenido de la carta (texto)
6.    Nombre y firma del enunciador
7.    Las siglas C.C.P. (con copia para) en caso de que el enunciador quiera que otras personas sepan de su asunto.
     1.    Lugar y fecha.
     2.    El vocativo (que puede incluir el nombre del enunciatario).
      3.    Contenido (texto)
      4.    Nombre del enunciatario

Extensión. Se refiere al volumen que pueden adquirir los textos funcionales, y este va a variar según el tipo de texto y el asunto del cual trate. Como el caso de una carta, así como puede realizarse en una sola página, puede abarcar dos o tres, dependiendo del asunto o tema que se está solucionando.
Elementos paralingüísticos.

Estas se pueden identificar en el contenido del escrito, lo cual significa que requerimos leer el texto para poder apreciarlas.
« Lenguaje. Debe ser objetivo, preciso y directo.
« Marcas discursivas. Son las palabras o frases que nos permiten identificar la intención del emisor y el propósito del texto. Lar marcas discursivas pueden ser; pronombres personales, verbos imperativos, adjetivos, etc.
« Las propiedades textuales como adecuación, coherencia y cohesión.
« Función lingüística. Estas se refieren a la función referencial, apelativa, metalingüística, poética, emotiva.
« Intención comunicativa.
« Prototipo textual al que pertenece.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Practiquemos el presente simple,

Hola chicos y chicas; recuerden que en el presente simple se necesita conocer y utilizar las expresiones de tiempo, adverbios de frecuencia, reglas para usar correctamente los verbos en el presente simple con terceras ´personas del singular, así como los auxiliares para negar y preguntar cuando no se trata del verbo "to be".

Espero que esta información sea de utilidad para su evaluación, y que comentan sobre el tema.

Schedules and time expressions related to the present.
I am Maureen. I am a little student. I love it. Every morning I go to school, then I play dolls with my sister. I like paint the wall and myself. I like drink refreshment but my mother doesn’t like it. I don`t eat hamburgers or sandwiches, I like eat healthy food,

TIME EXPRESSIONS for things that happen regularly are:
         every morning/afternoon/night
         at noon/at night
         once a day/week/month
         twice a week/month
         on Tuesdays/on monthey
         in winters/summer/
         In the morning/afternoon

I wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

First, I take a shower at 6.30

Then, I wear my escolar uniform.

After that, I have my breakfast with my family.

Finally, I come to school at 7 0’clock. And begin my daily escolar routines.

·         Reafirma el uso de los adverbios de frecuencia.

The present simple tense is very often used with adverbs of repeated time. Look at these examples (the adverbs are shown in bold):

  • I always come to school by car.
  • She frequently arrives here before me.
  • He never forgets to do his homework.
  • I often catch the late bus home.
  • I play football on Saturdays.
  • Once a year I fly back to visit my family in Korea.
  • The classrooms are cleaned every evening after school.
  • She sometimes loses her temper, but it doesn't happen very often.
  • Do you ever eat in the cafeteria?
  • Does your father speak English every day?



Always, frequently, often, usually, regularly, generally, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never.

Time Expressions that have more than one word, we put at the end of the sentence.
Ex.    I go to school every day.
          I play tennis three times a week.

         e.g. I always do my homework.
         e.g. We don't usually spend so much money.

         If the main verb is BE (am, is, are), we put the Time Expression after it.
         e.g. I am never late.

·         Reafirma las formas y el uso del Presente simple de los verbos regulares e irregulares, utilizando “yes/no questions” y “Wh questions”.

We use Present Simple to talk about:

*      Simple statements of fact

  • I live in Paris.
  • She plays football but she doesn't play tennis.
  • For breakfast he eats rice and drinks cold milk.
  • She works very hard.
  • My friend speaks four languages.
  • It rains a lot in Germany.
  • I don't like horror films!
  • Do you smoke?
  • Does your sister have any children?
  • How much does it cost to buy an apartment in Frankfurt?

*      When we have a sentence that is a general fact, we don't use any time expression and we have to know that it refers to PRESENT SIMPLE.

 The sun shines in the east.
 My father works in a factory.

*      World truths

Statements about rules of nature and the way the world is are in the present simple tense.
  • The sun sets in the West.
  • Most babies learn to speak when they are about two years old.
  • Water boils at 100° Celsius.
  • Trees lose their leaves in the fall.
  • Few people live to be 100 years old.
  • Wood floats on water.
  • Does it snow in the Sahara desert?
  • Do elephants live longer than humans?
  • Money doesn't guarantee happiness.
  • Flowers don't grow in the winter.



The sun sets in the West

*      Of the senses and mental processes

The present simple tense is used for many verbs of thinking, feeling and sensing. The most common words are:
Stative Verbs are verbs that do not take the Progressive form, therefore, whenever you have a stative verb use the Simple form.

         a)      Senses:            hear, sound, see, smell, taste, feel.
         b)      Feelings:        love, hate, like, dislike.
c)      Thoughts:      think, know, want, wonder, forget, remember, need, believe,     hope,  seem, mean, prefer, understand.
         d)      Possession:   have, has, own, belong to.
         e)      Measurement:  cost, weigh, equal, measure.

         Ex.         I want to eat now.
                        I have a headache now.
  • She likes it in Germany.
  • I love lying in bed late on Sunday mornings.
  • I need to know right now.
  • She says she doesn't know who did it, but I don't believe her.
  • He doesn't want to speak to you again.
  • This doesn't taste very good, does it?
  • Do you remember the first time we met?
  • Do you smell something funny?
  • Does he understand which way to go?


How To Use The Present Simple


I              base                                            He

You        form                                             she                    verb + S

We         of                                                 It

They      verb

When you add "S" to the verb you have to pay attention to spelling.
1.  Drink + s

2.  Watch + es
     When the verb ends with "s", "sh", "ch", "x", "z" or "o" we add "es".

1.  Play + s
When the verb ends with "y" and there is vowel before it, you add "s"

2.    Cry à      cries
If there is consonant before it, you omit the "y" and you add "ies".